Friday, December 5, 2008

Moving time

In the spirit of streamlining I'm rolling several blogs into one. Come see the rounded me at my


Friday, June 20, 2008

My latest little friend

I'll be sad to see this one go! I had a lot of fun making her dress ups!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Loving this little guy!

Another example of the wonders a makeover can do. Thanks to my friend Tracy's suggestion this little one now has a new look. He looks very cute too! Hope someone buys him lol!
His look changed in stages. First I decided that hi hair colour was wrong so changed it to red. Then the other day while shopping I found this fantastic outfit for him!
He is styling now!

On etsy

Well I'm now on Etsy!
I'm very please that I was able to design the banner all by myself! - My first ever :)
It's amazing the difference hair colour can make to a doll
The blonde shot if before. I just wasn't happy with how she looked so I took her hair off and crocheted another wig.
I think she looks much friendlier withe dark hair. Suits her :)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

found her!

found that pesky bald doll - in the cupboard. Here eyes look a little big for her head at the moment - we'll see how she looks with hair!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Where is she?

Where is that little doll who still needs hair? Last seen safely ensconced in an oven mitt.......good thing my children don't mind playing with bald dolls!

First things first

Here we are....walking in a new direction again. I'm really enjoying exploring this world of Steiner Dolls and so far my creations have been well received. I want to learn more....develop my patterns and put my dolls out there.....Let's see if I can squeeze a few more hours out of each day shall we?